38% of Americans Think Housing Market Will Crash in 2025
- 38% of Americans Think Housing Market Will Crash in 2025
- Clean Your Bathroom Fans
- Mortgage Rates this week
- Inventory And Supply Charts
- Home Inspection CHECKLIST HERE https://abitanogroup.com/homeinspectionchecklist
- What you get for $2MM Santa Clara County
- AIDA Attract, Interest, Desire, Action
- What you get for $1MM in SILICON VALLEY
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Introduction and Overview
Howdy, what happens when the exhaust fan in your bathroom goes bad? fFire Let's talk about that as well as are we in for a crash? 38 percent of the people in the United States say that we're in for a housing crash as well as what you get for a million dollars and what you get for 2 million in Santa Clara County and the 12 months,
Inventory report. Let's get moving here.
Bathroom Exhaust Fan Maintenance
Okay, bathroom fans Some maintenance issues Everybody has to do it now's the time to clean out your air filters for your HVAC. Check your water heater, maybe drain it, do your every six months draining, and take a look at your bathroom fans.
Bathroom fans can cause fires if you don't keep it clean. Do you see all that stuff right there? That's just on the surface. Inside this article, there's a video on how to do it. I use an air hose. It's a little dirty. But he uses a vacuum, he goes in and takes the entire housing out. I just blow it and let the exhaust fan do its job. Technically you should go up there and scrape the hose that goes all the way up to the roof. You should do that with your dryer vent duct as well. Every six months you should clean that out. This takes literally 10 minutes for you to do. It took me 10 minutes to watch this video and it's really not that difficult, It goes through the steps on how to clean it. He actually scrubs it and washes it. I just take a brush and brush it off.
I have a little Webster and dust that stuff off. So he goes into a pretty in-depth and yeah, you can absolutely. Vacuum it and blow it out, et cetera. But I get my air compressor and just knock that sucker out and it's done. And it takes me literally a couple of minutes to do it. And then I let it run for 20, 30 minutes.
And most of the dust gets pushed out the top vent of my roof. I asked myself how many. House fires are caused by bathroom exhaust fans, and it says it's not that many, but it is a potential hazard fire departments across the United States say that you should clean it regularly because it does pose and yeah, you do lose houses to it, but not the fundamental, dire your dryer duct or your dryer vent fires, dryers tend to start more fires than exhaust fans. But it's not an excuse. Don't get lazy. Just go do it. It takes you 10 minutes to do it. All right.
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Housing Market Crash Predictions
38 percent of Americans think the housing market will crash in 2025 last year it was 44 percent We've been saying that there's a crash coming for the last six, seven, eight years.
2018 was our last year. It was actually a plateau that just flattened out for three months and kept on ticking because then we went into 2019 and COVID hadn't happened. Those numbers weren't exact because the minute that came back and we started selling houses again within three months, it turned into a firestorm.
It wasn't just a hot market. Are we going to see a crash while we're seeing crashes in certain areas, like in Austin and St. Louis and different little areas all across the United States, but that's because some bank-owned property issues are going on there. There's some depression going on there, but here in Silicon Valley, probably not going to happen. Unless there's a major global catastrophe I don't see this area collapsing or crashing. We might see a two or 3 percent dip because it's winter, but coming into March, I'm expecting a full-blown.

I don't care that Trump's the president or coming in. He might do something policy-wise that's smart. We don't know until it's done. So this is all supposition. So just keep that in mind and move this over here.
Today's rate is 7.25. They're bouncing up. They're saying it's going to, we're probably going to see 8 percent by the end of the year, That's what they're saying. It was like an eighth of a point that I jumped an eighth of a point. And all of a sudden it's news newsworthy, right? I don't see it being a big deal. You can still buy the points down and get a better rate, but sometimes you might want to have a higher rate and have that write-off.
So just think about it.
Real Estate Listings: What You Get for $1M and $2M
Talk to your tax guy, talk to your lender guy, and figure out what makes the most sense for you, what you get for 2 million in San Jose, California, Santa Clara County. This is actually San Jose and this is, where's this? Oh, it's right above the Rose Garden or in the Rose Garden area. And this house is 2 million. Eight bedroom, four bath, 3, 600. Bet it has an ADU. Yeah, it's an ADU. It looks like they built it on. So it might be a worthwhile investment if you want to rent it out, have some extra cash lying around,d or need that tax write-off. Oof, dark and dingy. I love it. There are no windows. You can tell when an agent does. Their own photos.
When you hire a professional photographer, they do triple-shot photography. They do the low, medium, and high resolutions, and they combine them together. You can tell that the pictures are far crisper, and not as dingy-looking as this because this is a Dark house, right? That looks like it was done at night. And 99 photos, you don't need 99 photos for this. Bet there's not even a floor plan.
It's just an overabundance of photos. Just too many. When you get over 40 or 50 pictures, Of plants and four pictures of a dead tree. Nothing against the agent. I don't know who he or she is. It's not really the point. The point is to hire a photographer. It's not that expensive. And if you're making a commission off of 2 million, don't be cheap. And get a 360 and a floor plan, This has been on the market for 39 days. And the reason why is because it's overbuilt. This should have been sold as a four-bedroom or five, whatever it is with an ADU separate space. And it's not. This is really an investment product and it's not worth 2 million.
What you get for 1, 000, 000 is on Denton, not my listing, three bedrooms, two baths, 1, 700 square feet built in 1965. And it says right here, this home needs some TLC. So if you're looking for a project house, let's go take a look. It's only one picture. Sold as is with cash preferred. Due to this condition, financing may not be an option. So bring a contractor to assess the prime location and it's been on the market for eight days.
Let's take a look at where this is. It'sonn the East side nEvergreenreen and right, probably in the flight path of Reed Hill view airplane airpath. So I don't know why they're selling it, but good luck to them.
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Current Housing Market Analysis
Inventory And Supply Charts
Nothing's really changed. Some numbers fuddled with the November final numbers, but I'm not changing it because I'll do that at the end of this month to make sure that those numbers firm up.
This chart tells a really deep story: We're nowhere near a buyer's market or a crash. We're seeing houses sell within days. If priced correctly, San Benito is a little bit higher in the 12 areas. I have a house listed in San Benito in Hollister.
It's a beautiful house. I already have an offer. I have another one coming in. And it's. Been three weeks the average amount of days in Hollister, I think is like 45 days. Benito'snito's average days the on market is 47 days. Nothing to worry about. This house is selling. I already have an offer. We're negotiating with that, but I'm also banking on this other offer coming in a little bit stronger. Probably going to go with that one to make it smooth and easy for my clients. When you see a month's supply, less than six months. It's a healthy market. It's healthy for sellers, not so much for buyers. If you look at the individual cities within Santa Clara County, we're looking at less than a week on some of these, That's one month supply.
And by the way, I just saw yesterday in Mountain View, that there are only five single-family houses for sale. Understand that the supply is down. Demand is down too, but it's still, superseding what the supply is in every area in Santa Clara County for the most part. Att Morgan hasHill's 46 houses a month and a half of supply. San Jose is not even a month. San Martin is 4 months, but there are only 4 houses. Santa Clara is point 4 months. That's 18 days. Saratoga is a little more expensive, but 1. 3 Sunnyvale 0.6. So, guys, we're not seeing anything dastardly.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
That's it. Thanks for watching. I'm Vito with Abitano. We'll see you out there.
Vito Scarnecchia
Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad
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Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad
DRE#: 01407676
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Website: abitano.com https://www.onereal.com/vito-scarnecchia-1
update your home value: https://hmbt.co/bT7qRJ
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Willow Glen's five most expensive homes https://youtu.be/3A_E2ck0ePg
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