Carter’s presidency Delivered almost Double home price gains
Santa Clara County High's and Low's Carter’s presidency was No. 1 for California home-price gains Los Gatos Home of the Week Price Reductions FREE HOME BUYER CHECKLIST HERE Home Inspection CHECKLIST HERE youtube blog podcast Introduction and Overview Carter’s presidency was No. 1 for California home-price gains . President Carter's presidency saw almost doubling the price of homes in California. That is on top of this week's highs and lows. Tuesday, Los Gatos House of the Week. And, price reductions and price reductions. Let's get going here. Normally I do this in the morning. It's three o'clock in the afternoon because stuff got busy. All right. Historical Home Price Trends Carter's presidency was number one for California. When you look at the numbers from, every four or eight years, President Carter saw a huge Jump in home values in California. This i...