Downsizing Tips when selling your home


"Downsizing Tips when Selling Your Home"




Introduction to Downsizing and Moving Tips

Tried and True Downsizing Tips for Your Next Move

Is it time to downsize the time to move to a smaller house? Even if you're considering moving to a larger home or moving out of the country or to a different state or city, we'll be talking about things you can do to help make your move a little bit better by getting into the mindset of downsizing.

We'll also talk about list price reductions, Los Gatos house of the week, and, This last week's highs and lows in Santa Clara county But first, if you're thinking about moving download this checklist, it's in my blog You'll see it. 

Home Buyers Checklist: A Must-Have for Open Houses


There's a link right here free home buyers checklist It goes through all the different little aspects of each room including the entryway curb appeal all that stuff So you can compare houses when you go to open houses you go Whenou just happen to go to maybe four or five different open houses over a weekend.

Helps you compare the houses you saw. So you don't get mind blasted. Anyway, there you go. 

Navigating Price Reductions in Santa Clara County

Price Reductions

Price reductions, 137 price reductions in Santa Clara County right now, which is not a big deal. I think people are just edging to see where the market can go and you'll always have five or 10 percent of the listings that are not priced correctly, that are priced a little bit too much based on  the condition of the house, the market and location, the market kind of contracted.

It didn't contract. It just didn't get to orbit. This year. So people realize that because their houses are staying on market a little bit longer, like this one right here. 

House of the Week: A Deep Dive into Local Real Estate

And the reason why I picked this is because it's not five, one, two, three, and it's really close to my house. So that'd be fun to look at four bedroom, three bath, 1500 square feet on market, 27 days outlier, massive outlook.

My house is stay on market about seven to 10 days. I won't mind-blatantly has averaged about nine 27 is far too long. So when you see that your house is not selling or you're not getting the traction you need, you've obviously overpriced it because everything we do in a consistent manner and we, Get results, right?

If we do everything the same and you come back to me and said, why aren't you selling my house? Why isn't my house selling? You think it's my fault. It's because of the price. 

The Art of Staging and Selling Your contracture overpriced the house and I don't want to point this out right here because this thing was listed at 1. 7 at one time.

Now it's down to 1. 3. They'll be lucky to get 1. 3 because they overpriced it, but also look at where it is. Yes, it does matter that it's next to a busy street. You have loud noise, you have extra dirt, you have all sorts of different things.

And a house bedroom going baths for less than a house see over here, or over here, and especially over here whstayingt's close for o the hills. You don't get a lot of traffic, it's quieter. It's more appealing. So you can ask for a premium, but you can't go and ask for 1. 7 million on a house, even though the average house is 2 million at Santa Clara County, even though this house is in de, cent shape.

I don't think it's in great shape. I could tell that they didn't power, clay the paint, right? Curb appeal. They have this big overgrown juniper, a nice Elm tree, but there's no flowers. It's just kind of meh can tell that it hasn't been painted or washed. They have a nice newly painted kitchen. I don't know if it's new or not new floors,

but there's no way that this house is going to sell for 1. 7. Now I can tell you that right now, get the, Oh, it's stainless steel, but it's the cheapest version of stainless steel. You can get guys, if you're going to do stainless steel and you're going to flip a house, put something decent in there.

When you see these controls on the back of the oven, the little Huda huddle up there, that just tells me that it's like the lowest end lowest grade. You want an oven where you have the controls on the front and there's no back Other than that is just a huge indicator to me that they went cheap.

Can't have four pictures of a sink guys. Just don't. And that is ridiculous. That's just cheesy ass staging. We can have four pictures, five pictures of seven pictures of the plant, the plastic plant there. And look, I can guarantee you there is going to be a big thing right there. Eventually.

You don't need a picture of the closets guys. Nobody cares about the closets.

All right. So obviously this house needs a little bit of work. If you buy a house, you flip it. You better be careful about what you do to it and how you position it and how you price it. 

Los Gatos House of the Week: A Victorian Gem

Los Gatos Home of the Week

Las Gatos house of the week guys. This one's beautiful. Five bedroom, four bath built in 2000.

It's been on market 30 days. Las Gatos. And the reason why I picked this one is because I don't know why they made it 2000. This is a hundred year old house. Look at this. Just the floor plan, the look and feel. This is a hundred year old house. They have a detached garage, which I don't have a problem with, especially since it's a Victorian.

This is downtown Los Gatos guys. There's only 10 photos on this. Here's why I likeort. Cause you can walk to the university. You can walk to the, all the restaurants. Is it overpriced? I think it's overpriced, even though it's 3, 300 square feet. They're asking a premium for a house that still needs a little bit of work.

Yeah, maybe they painted it, but look, the kitchen, I'm sorry. The bathroom is original, the laundry room it's original. Son, you look at this house, the

only added value is one. It's in Los Gatos too. It's near this walking distance to university and to main street.

So I'll mark it. They're almost 30 days. And I can tell you that we're going to be seeing a price reduction here pretty quick on that one. 

Downsizing: A Strategy for Simplifying Your Move

When you hundred-year-old house You have reasons to get rid of stuff, right? And I tell people hundred-year-old me, when you move your couch might not necessarily fit in the living room that you're moving into.

It might be bigger, might be smaller, there are fit the square versus a rectangle, what have you. My intention is when I move. I'm just going to get off everything, whether I throw it away, give it away, sell it, what have you, I intend on getting rid of stuff. I'm getting rid of tools now, not that I plan on moving, but I just don't use my tools all the time. So I get it, I don't need them. So if somebody borrows it, I just let them keep it. My mindset is, I'm 55 right now. I have 10 more years and in time, I'm not going to need all this that I have.

Am I off the ng to keep my camera? Yeah. Am I going to keep my drone? Probably. Am I going to keep my kids shoes? Yeah. But everything else I don't need, I don't need all this stuff here. Anyway, what do I need? I need to get rid of stuff. And when I was younger, I collected and accumulated stuff. I get stuff that I need, like this microphone.

If you can see it, see this microphone right here. I use thither day, right? If I stopped using it, I'll get rid of it. If you haven't used it in over a year, you probably don't need it. If you have magazines that are older than a year, unless they're collectibles what I would suggest you do is look at what you haven't touched in the last year and consider giving it away or throwing it away or selling it on eBay. And if you don't want to do the hassle of selling it on eBay, there are consignment stores out there that will do it for you.


When I tell people when they're selling their house, make it easy on yourself. Do one room a day, right? Or do one room every couple days, get a bunch of boxes, figure out what pile you're gonna have, throw away, gikid'sway, and sell bonfire, right? Do one room at a time. That way it's not overwhelming because you can start in the office and go to the bedroom, then go to the guest bedroom, then go to the bathroom, and all of a sudden you do one room a day.

And before you know it, it's done. I want to say I wanna have. Like 10, 12 rooms in this stop it'd take me a couple of weeks to go through it and get rid of everything and get rid of old documents and old photos and what have you just looking at my photo homes right there. Have toner for my printer that I need to put into recycle.

And, just stuff that just lags around. I have a guitar that I c, can get rid of. I can give it away. I can go take it to the school and let them have it. And because I don't, I wanted to play it, but I just don't use it. So make it as easy as possible

when you do move, whether you're downsizing, or you're relocating. Less is better because here's the thing. How much is your couch worth? Today. Mine is like 15, 20 years old. It's beat up, has kid stuff all over it, dog stuff all over it, food, you name it.

It's not worth anything. It's worth fodder for my bonfire. That's basically it. I'm using it. So comfortable. Love it, but I'm not going to move it, that is staying behind. This desk probably will stay up. I'm going to give this to a desk, to somebody that will appreciate it.

My bed, I'm limping my bed along because it's old, it's crusty. The mattress is newer, but the bed frame is old, it's broken. I've fixed it, I've maintained it, I've repaired it, but I will not be moving it. It will be bonfire fodder. So if you're thinking about moving, think about downsizing your house.

Now, downsizing is a huge alert or a green flag saying you're thinking about moving, but you know what, sometimes when you do. It becomes freeing. It's becomes more open. You realize you don't need all this stuff. And I can tell you this for a fact, because I'm selling a few houses with people who are children of parents thor at have had years of collecting stuff.

My parents do it and my aunt and uncle do it. And for the most part, I do it. I just don't see the value in it unless you're going to turn around and sell it. And if you're at the age where you're like, I don't need this stuff anymore. Turn around, sell it.

Let somebody else appreciate it. Enjoy it. I have a Star Trek next generation data figurine that I don't know how I found it one day. And it's in my closet somewhere. I can probably sell that for six, 10 bucks. Let somebody else enjoy it. 

The Highs and Lows of Santa Clara County Real Estate

Santa Clara County High's and Low's

Today's highs and lows of Clara County's highest sold prices. Let's get into this room.

That's better. The highest sold price is nine eight five zero. The lowest sold price is 800, 000. A couple of us saw one that sold for under 600. Yeah, so going rate is now that the average price of Santa Clara County is now 2, 000, 000. The highest home for sale is 29, 000, 000 and the lowest sales price is 525, 000.

This one over here is gone. I think. Yeah, that one's pending. So we'll see how that one sells and we'll see how this one sells. The smaller ones sell pretty quick. And believe me when I say. You look at those, you're like, Oh, I could totally buy that. They're not the greatest houses. Typically who picked those generations that are going to either flip them rent them out or sell them to open doors.

So take it that way. Right now we have a thousand homes for sale, single-family homes, and a thousand single-family homes for sale in Santa Clara County. We need to double that. And that's the reason why houses continue to go up. But pricing is important. 

Conclusion: Recap and Farewell

Today we talked about price reductions, Los Gatos home of the week, downsizing and highs and lows of Santa Clara County.

I'm Vito with Abithe Tano. We'll see you out there.

Vito Scarnecchia Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad DRE#: 01407676 408-705-6817 Website: update your home value: RELOCATION@ABITANO.COM FREE DESKTOP APPRAISAL If you are moving ANYWHERE in the world - Let me know! I know a LOT of AMAZING Agents! Book appointments here: Home Buyers Course YT IG FB LI https://www.linkedsingle-familyo-scarnecchia/ POD Professional Photography by Kim E / Local Real Estate Market and Home Value Report Financial Intelligence,FAIpQthe LSc0R5pjHIAPguZ5GDEB-fTbGJXKpWK3coK9Khymv_GTWkMnyQ/viewform?usp=send_form Willow Glen's five most expensive homes

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