Introduction and Local Updates
Happy Monday. Let's talk about what's going on locally. Santa Moss Expressway and Lawrence Expressway are having some major overhauls. Be prepared for delays. More than a thousand homes are being designed and developed right now in East San Jose from a former golf course.
This is a trend we're seeing we'll also go through the year-to-date 12 Bay Area counties report, as well as Cupertino Home of the Week, Willow Glen Home of the Week, Luxury Home of the Week. And yeah, that's it. Let's get moving. You keep mentioning fire hazards, but why? There's been over 400, 000 emergency responses in California for fire so far this year. we're in work week 37. That's a lot. We've had almost 6, 000 wildfires. Most of them are contained and out, but that's huge.
We've had almost 900 well over 800, 000 acres burned. We've had one fatality, one civilian fatality and 1, 247 structures damaged or destroyed. Here's the number. If you want I'll put this in the blog so you can take a look at it. That's why insurance is getting so expensive here in California
It's Oregon. It's Washington. It's British Columbia. It's Idaho. It's all over the place. There has to be something that's done to it. Maybe more controlled burns, but there you go.
Just so you know, we're going to the Cupertino house of the week and I thought I'd have some fun with it.
Cupertino's right here. A lot of those houses. Saratoga and Los Gatos are in the red zone. That's very high. That means if you're buying a house, your fire insurance is going to triple or quadruple because the standard carriers are not going to put a claim on it.
They're not going to ensure that you have to go to fair plan in California. it makes it more difficult. The good news here is that people who buy in this area have a little bit more money and can afford it and it's still One of those luxury things but don't be surprised if your current carrier cancels you because of this This is California cal fire Map each insurance carrier has their own map completely different.
It depends on their allotment of risk And how much they want to put into that area, some probably take the same thing and say, this is good enough, but something to be aware of. I live right around here. luckily, I'm not in the zone, but everybody up here in the Alameda Hills and Alameda Valley.
Aren't high-fire zones. Moderate fire zones, right? So be aware, something to be aware of. I'm not shooting down Los Gatos or Saratoga or Almaden, just pointing it out. It's something you have to be aware of. It's part of the process, the due process. when you. Buy a house. Disclosures are handed to you along with a natural hazard disclosure, which is more myopic.
It's only focused on that one specific property, whether you're in an earthquake zone, a high fire zone, a flood zone, or even a munitions depot-type thing where there used to be unexploded ordinance. I know that happened in Fort Ord download this checklist. That's what it looks like right here. It'll remind you to take a look at that.
Santa Tomas and Lawrence Expressway Upgrades
Okay, Lawrence and Santa Mas Expressway are to receive major upgrades. Here's why I'm pissed off about that Bulletproof Everything that they talk about upgrading traffic signals installing battery backup systems constructing traffic calming measures Improving intersections to make them safer for pedestrians making pedestrian curb ramps compliant with ADA is going to ADA.
Construction on these projects will cause traffic delays, Please slow down around these people. They're human beings just like us, just like you and me. I know they might be a little more carefree, callous, and not really paying attention, but that's because you're driving. You need to be aware of them, right?
So please be careful with them. Slow down. In the cone zone, but here's why I'm pissed off about not one mention of surfacing the roads. And if you've been on those expressways lately, I'm on it like once or twice a week. It's ridiculously horrible. the freeways and the expressways here are just.
Designed to destroy my truck, potholes, and bumps. it's just disgusting. Now I'm grateful that San Jose recently redid all of our streets here in my area. One little corner of 95, I'm really grateful because there's nothing better than riding on brand-new asphalt. I appreciate it. I know that we have millions of miles that we have to resurface.
But that's why we have these taxes that we pay into, and it needs to be done more often and a lot more aggressively and the expressways, which is done by the counties. I think, yeah, it's a county operator roadway. They need to be a little bit more active. And so does the state with Highway 85 and Highway 87.
So as the feds with two 80 and one Oh one, we need to do a little bit more guys. These roads are major. You taxes for it. You might as well fix it, and keep it updated. All right.
Cupertino House of the Week

Cupertino house of the week, not my listing for a bedroom, three baths, 2, 400 square feet built in 1968. A pretty basic-looking house probably would have done a different angle of that house for a front shot.
And this is Kennedy junior high and Monta Vista junior high and De Anza and Apple is all along bub right here. It's where this house is on Wilkinson. Right here. There you go. Standard four or five bedrooms. It's on a hill, so this is a multi-level or tri-level type home Wow. Let's have five, six, seven, eight, eight pictures of the living room.
It's a step. Ooh, my goodness. Look at that.
Original tile, 1968 tile, 1968 fluorescent, original everything. There you go. And yet it's going for a measly 3. 2 million. Did they give a floor plan? No. Guys, when you sell your house, make sure that they put a floor plan in there for you so that people can come in and take a look. It's common sense competency for people so they can understand what kind of floor plan you're doing.
All right.
San Jose Golf Course Redevelopment
More than a thousand homes are eyed as a replacement for the San Jose golf course. And if you're wondering where this is. Pleasant Hills Golf Course and it's right next to Lake Cunningham. It's this big L shape right here. And that's Reed Hill View. And there's the new thing right there.
That's Costco right there. Costco executive. So there you go. That's where it is. They're putting over 1000. It's actually 1700 homes that they're planning right now. 1700 homes of that 1300 of them. 13 almost 14 will be market rate houses market rate, meaning there. I believe that means it's below low-income housing, which is vastly needed.
And then 342 high-density affordable rentals. this is called the honeymoon phase of the development. They're promising all this stuff. if you look at what's going on at Velco, they went from 6 or 7 stories down to 3 or 4 stories because of cost and delays It is what it is. There's nothing you can do about it, right? That 1, probably gets dwindled down to 1, 000 because of cost overruns Cost of doing business in Silicon Valley. If you want more information, the link is in my blog.
Willow Glen House of the Week
Willow Glen house of the week. Not my listing, but I wanted to pop it out here. Four bedrooms, four baths. Who needs four baths? That's a lot of toilets. Grab a 2, 300 square feet. Built in 1920. So this is a Franken house. Let's see if they actually have it. Oh, that's awesome. We're not going to even bother.
It looks like a duplex, with multiple rentals. I think this is a duplex. I don't wouldn't even know why they put it here as a single family. It's multi-families Okay, there you go. So if you want a good investment spent 33. 2 million dollars on a Duplex that's going to collect two thousand dollars a month for rent Let's see if it tells you what the rent is here
not in here and the regular MLS will do that it's been on the market for 131 days and they Dropped the price from 3. 5 down to 3. 2
One of the three things about real estate you have to understand location, condition, and price. The price is off. It's going to sit on the market. Don't be a market maker. Attract the market.
Luxury House of the Week
Luxury house of the week. Camino El Lago. I have a feeling we talked about this one before, but cool. 25 million, five bedrooms, five and two half baths, 8, 500 square feet built in 1907.
Look at this thing. And where is it in Atherton? this is a gorgeous mansion.
Guys, if you'd love to look at this, I'd love to sell this to you. classical architecture is everywhere. That's called the coffered ceiling right there. A tray ceiling is one with just inside.
it looks like an upside-down tray.
Wow. beautiful.
YTD SALES 12 Bay Area Counties
Worth every penny. let's see week 37. Santa Clara's still doing really good as far as volume. We're selling almost 300 million a week. We're at 13 billion now and last week we had 232 new listings. Alameda is kicking our butt all over the place with new listings, and they're actually beating us by almost a hundred.
Your Best Buy is still in Napa. If you want to travel a little bit, you can get 96 cents on the dollar. They don't have a ton of listings right now, but whatever it does sell, it sells for a lot less compared to Santa Clara County where we're getting 7 percent over list price on average. So it depends on where you want to go, right?
All right.
That's it for now. I'm Vito with Abitano. Thanks for watching. We'll see you out there.
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