πŸ”΄[LIVE] Bay Area Luxury homes | Bay Area 10 County Report


 Welcome back. Three things you need to know living in Silicon Valley today. We're talking about right aid filing bankruptcy What that means is Bay Area retirement community homes for sale for your loved ones, your elder care, parents, parents, and some luxury homes to look at. Let's get moving. The first thing I want to show you is I was young this is me on active duty during a desert storm.

We were, the three main things that I learned how to do really well on active duty were playing volleyball and scuba diving. And drink a lot Good times good memories still catch up with people and I don't I still love it. 


This episode is brought to you by no event If you know a veteran who might be ailing who might be in trouble who might be having issues this self-help portal helps get them started pointing in the right direction and if they're reluctant or unwilling or if they have a mental block because they don't want to deal with the VA because they have PTSD this portal will help you narrow it down and figure out how to get help in the VA and outside of the VA.
So if you know a vet, point them to this website. 

Bay Area Senior Communities: Here's what's on the market this week

Today we're talking about real quick. Senior communities. Here's what's on the market this week. In Raphael, San Rafael, there is a two-bedroom, I think. Let me look at it. I think it's a two-bedroom, 1, 580 square foot. Two bedrooms were built in 1985. The thing about these places is that they're great.
There, they take care of everything and they have a lot of amenities. And they're fairly well kept up.
And then there's another one down in Gilroy, but there's a whole lot more. So there are a few in Gilroy that are available. There's a couple in Morgan Hill that are available and there's a bunch at the villages and there's one, a little community in Los Gatos. There's a bunch for sale. These places are really catering to elder care.

Not elder care, but it's adult living. Like the villages have, I want to say 54, 55 different clubs. They keep you very active, I qualify for it now, which is funny, part of the whole sing it to your seniors. Series. This is something to at least show them if they're interested in learning more about possibly empty nesting or downsizing.

90+days on the market West Santa Clara County

These are 90-day homes that are on the market over 90 days. That means they're overpriced for some reason. They're all on the West side of Santa Clara County. I don't know why I did that, but I thought I'd show it to you. These are places where, you know, if you're looking at a specific place, this is a place to find and say, Hey, look, if you want to buy it.

This is if you want to sell this house, obviously, this one's oversold because it's right next to the freeway. Or expressway, same thing here. These are places that are overpriced for their condition, location, and market conditions.

Bay Area Luxury Homes

So if you want a good deal, let's talk and go in and negotiate for you. This is how the upper crust lives right here. Let's take a look at this 17-mile drive. This thing is look at that. That thing's beautiful
on the golf course. Just beautiful. I was there this weekend right here. See this little beach right here. I walk up on it I walked up on it on Friday.
Carmel is just amazing. I would live there in a heartbeat. Belvedere, California Look at that thing.

So I went sailing with my buddy and He knows somebody that rents out sailboats. He's a master craftsman, sailor Captain type and we sailed around these houses. They're just gorgeous. 

Rite Aid to close 31 stores in California

Rite Aid. The reason why I bring this up is we need to know because it does involve real estate and what's going to happen to these big box places.
And over the weekend I sent this. I wanted people to talk about it and I think it's good because what's happening is that there's a contraction and while it's still going to be tough for mom-and-pop shops to make a living, I think it's a place for them to at least realize that big box shops have a reason to be around.
No, I understand. I know this one's picking on the right aid, but it's not just them. I hear the spies having problems. Macy's has been having the problem since the. The eighties are something that's not going to go away. And I think we're going to see a transition from big box to smaller. And I saw another video talking about Amazon being the tiger that is ripping the soul out of the big box retailers, as well as the small mom and pops.

Now small mom and pops can be a little more versatile. They can sell their wares on Amazon and eBay, et cetera. Or. The other aggregators, but I think we've seen a time where big box retailers have had their time. I think it's time that we're going to go back. He's something about the urbanist.

I'll send you the video on Facebook. There's a contraction, right? I think what we're trying to do is tell the. Communities is that we want multi-use real estate. So something like this, a development like this can be torn down and redone. I wouldn't say Village Oaks, but I'd say more like Santana Row, where you have retail on the bottom and living on the top.

And then you can go down into your corner coffee shop or your corner drug store and it's all right there and it helps reduce crime. It helps reduce driving to places. It helps reduce a lot of different things So I think we're going to see a new trend of Homes being built on top of smaller retail stores.

I'd like to see that. I think that makes it a better community, smaller, tighter community. And I think that's what we need. Anyway, that's the trend that I'm thinking of. I don't know if I'm right or wrong. I'd love to hear your opinion. 

Homebuyer Workshop

Homebuyer workshop. If you're in the thoughts, we don't follow up with you.
We don't try to sell you anything. Just watch it. You can watch it anytime you want. Just sign up and take a look and it'll tell you pretty much everything you need to know when to get prepared for buying a house. It's that's it. All right. Oh, shoot. I didn't even get to that. I can tell you something right now.

Bay Area 10 County Report

I didn't do this, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter because unless you see something where the market ticks up dramatically, I don't think we're going to have a problem. So just get out of that real quick. So there you go. It's going out of business or going bankrupt. There are homes for sale for your elder parents and There are houses available that aren't that you can negotiate with you can so if you're in the mode Now's the time to do it.
I know it's expensive I know rates are stupid expensive right now, but there's not a lot there's still competition But there's not a ton of competition, and the houses that you're looking at with the 90-day plus there's something wrong with it so you know what you're going into. You're buying other people's problems or it's too high based on the condition or what have you.

So we're going to see that number grow. And I think the number right now is 41, 41 homes. And you'll see that number is going to grow fairly consistently until rates come down. All right. I'm Vito with Abitano. We'll see you out there.

Fraud on the rise

#best time of the year to buy a house, Bay Area Luxury homes, next housing crash prediction, housing market projections, Should I Buy A House Now Or Wait?, should I buy a house now or wait until 2024, Why You'll Regret Buying A House in 2023, Housing Market 2023: 5 Options If You Regret Buying a Home San Mateo, Marin, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Napa, Santa Cruz, Alameda, Contra Costa, Sonoma, Solano
