Renting Is Cheaper Than Owning in Every Large Metro πŸ¦… 🌎 βš“οΈ





Introduction and Overview

 Okay. There. 

This box is a three-bedroom, two-bath, 1784, 1966. And at least they started off with the front of the house. 

Box Brownie Service Explained

But Box Brownie is a service that removes the background and blue sky and makes it look like an evening sky. And what have you? Again, you only need one photo; having four is a waste.

Nice looking kitchen, nice floors. I like the little grooved floors. But then it goes to laminate,

little tiny house. At least they have, they did good. They have the drone photos, and they have a floor plan. And they have, not ten like we saw yesterday. Okay. And then a bank-owned property of the week. 

Property Review: Riverbend in Salinas

Oh, let's go see what Riverbend is. Riverbend in Salinas, California. Not my listing. Four bedrooms, threebathsh. 800, 000, 2, 400 square feet built in 1990. If you want to do a one-on-one stretch to get the Silicon Valley, there you go. You're looking at about an hour, and 15 minutes.

Wow. There are some 1990s. When was this thing made? Yeah. Wow. They went overboard on the photos. They had a whole 15, four bedroom, three bath, 2, 400 square feet, 1990. 

Discussion on Renting vs. Buying

And then we talked yesterday, we talked about a little bit about renting is cheaper. Why do people continue to buy, especially here in the Bay area? Because the equity builds, and if you're renting, you're throwing the money away, you're not putting it towards something that's yours, that you're paying off somebody else's mortgage.

So here, this one actually went down here and had the list where San Jose was the fourth worst one. I went into the extrapolation of it's more than 4, 000 a month. Matter of fact, four bedrooms cost about 5, 000 a month in South San Jose. If you're in Cupertino, you're looking at 10 grand a month versus if you buy a 2 million house, you're looking at really 10, 10, 000 a month at 20%.

Percent down. It's more expensive, right? And there's a little visual. I've been using this for the last couple of weeks and that's the disparage. We've been past parody since 2021. It's more expensive to buy, but you also get tax write-offs. You get equity bills, you get to own it. You don't have that. Oh, am I going to get evicted next week?

Cause they want to turn around and sell it. That's just the thing. So it might be cost. It might cost less month to month, but if you have to move every couple of years, then you have to take that into account and then you also have to take into account yearly increases in rent and. Yeah. You're not building any equity and in 10 years you could have a whole lot more equity into the, into your house.

You're building equity through the market, but also paying down the loan. So yeah, this might be the new normal. I hope it's not. I'd like to see rent stabilized. I'd like to see prices stabilized, but it probably won't happen. 

Market Trends and Analysis

And then I also talked about 40 days on the market report. Everything's pretty stable.

There's no major jump. This was just an anomaly. Sound as a weekly homes for sale, pending and close chart. We had a pretty slow, chilly winter as did the County, but now we're coming back up. 

So inventory is coming up. Demand is staying pretty steady and these are just weekly sales and pendings. So if you aggregate that up, you still see that it's a pretty big amount.

Conclusion and Sign-Off

And then, yeah, that's it. All right. That was easy. Five minutes.

I'm Vito with Al Batano. Thanks for watching. We'll see you out there.

πŸ”΄ Renters losing MORE than Rent! (Bay Area Median Home Prices)


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πŸ”΄ MoonBeans Coffee

Vito Scarnecchia

Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad

DRE#: 01407676


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πŸ”΄ Willow Glen's five most expensive homes

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