5 Ways a Home Garden Can Boost the Aesthetic Value of Your House | Inventory And Supply Charts





Introduction and Curb Appeal Tips
 Curb appeal,

I'll just drop myself here. It feels like I was just here. This is Realty Times. Declutter and maintain. If you looked at my backyard right now, you'd understand what that really means because I have not maintained it since mid October. I just let it go. I'm just like, done. I don't want to deal with it.

Whatever. In that mode. I don't know if you noticed, but same thing with my hair. 

Maintaining Your Yard

Make it colorful. Throw some color. Throw some seasonals. Throw some annuals. Throw some Succulents in there. Make your house look, make your yard look like it's bountiful, right? And put a couple thirty bucks into your yard every year and keep it watered.

Make sure that's done. 

Sprinkler System and Focus Areas

And here's one really important thing. If you have sprinklers, make sure the sprinklers work. Have your landscaper, have your gardener come in, test every little one of them. That way you don't have any You know, leaks or what have you, and you have the timer set correctly, and that way you don't have any issues.

Add focus areas. If you looked at my backyard when it was nice and clean, I had a fire pit, I had a little barbecue, I have a pergola, everything has it's little focus, it's little reason for being, and it allows people, when we're entertaining, to sit in different areas and kibbutz. And enjoy the whole time.

Fence and Furniture Tips

Paint the fences, don't paint fences, stain them. If less they're on their last legs, and if you put a power washer to them,

just please don't, what am I doing? Vito just started the calendar. Don't paint the again, if your fence is rotten and needs some sort of life, but don't paint it the same color as your house, paint it some fun color, not purple. Don't do purple, but stain it, and make it last longer.

It'll just be if you stain it, preserve it, keep the bugs off, and make it look a little bit better. Don't paint fences. Yeah, I know. Consider some furniture. Yeah, absolutely. Every little nook and cranny of your backyard should have a reason for being. Fire pit, under the shade, in the barbecue, watching the game, going to your raised garden so you can have your squash and carrots and jalapenos.

So there you go. Okay. 

Real Estate Market Update

We just talked about this yesterday. And nothing really has changed. But I did want to, I was snooping around here and this existing home sales came up to, to, to fruition. And I've been mentioning this all along. All the crash bros are talking about, Oh, the market's crashing. The crash is imminent.

The crash is here and it's not in value. Maybe it is in Austin or St. Louis or somewhere like Florida or DC, but it's definitely not here. The volume of sales have dropped precipitously. This was the high over the last five years. 6. 85, almost 7 million units sold across the United States. Right now we're heading into sub 4 million.

We're 60 percent of where we were supposed to be. If we look at the numbers, which we will, you'll see. 

Home Sales and Mortgage Rates
And I wanted to show you this. This is a very eye-opening chart. This is home sales. Versus 30-year fixed mortgage rates. I don't think it really matters if it's 30-year fixed or all the different rates But just to keep it on point 6.84, but look there was the point right there in September 2022 when rates started going up Yep, they started going up like right here 7. 62 Ouch. Ouch. And yeah, 7, 6. 8. I timed the market there for one of my listings. 
It was, but anyway rates are talking about coming down. I don't know if it's going to happen or not, but I can tell you that when rates go down, the volume of sales go up. And if it's normal normalized, which is, I don't know, four and a half to five and a half percent, I think our normal is going to be about five, five and a half percent.
So if you see a five or five and a half. 5 percent or even 6, buy it down to 5, buy a house. I'm telling you because it's going to be a long time before we see anything lower than that. For a very long time. 

Home Inspection Checklist
Home Inspection Checklist, if you're thinking about selling, download this Home Inspection Checklist, because it'll walk you through every little nook and cranny, so you can get, I don't know if you can hear it, my tile, my handyman's working on a pop tile.

In my bathroom. And yeah, stuff happens, right? Got to get them moving. Let's see. 

Property Listings in Santa Clara County
This is what you get for two million dollars in Santa Clara County. And this is Adair Court in Morgan Hill. And the reason why I picked this because it's a pretty looking house built in 1997. Not my listing. Two million dollars, four bedroom, three and a half bath, 3, 100 square feet, 1977 year of our Lord.

And there it is. It's not necessarily walking distance to downtown, but you could get there. I'm sure you could. No, you really couldn't. If you're gonna, if you're gonna live in Morgan Hill, you better be digging close to downtown. That's where all the restaurants are, right?

It's where all the fun things happen. If you're that far away, by the time you get home, your buzz will be down. Here are some pictures.

Guys, this is a pretty house. Wow. Pretty, pretty house. Yes. Pool got some drone shots there, but no plant agents. If you're watching this, get a floor plan. I don't care how much it costs you. It's not going to kill you. It's not going to break the bank. Get a floor plan. It will help you sell your house.

Okay. This is Meridian Ave, which you get for a million dollars in Santa Clara County. Meridian Ave, not my listing, San Jose, California, four bedroom, two bath, 1, 242 square feet built in 1953.

Let's open this thing up. The reason why I picked it is because It's on Meridian. It's a busy ass street. And the funny thing is, this thing's gonna sell. It's crazy. I hope he sells it for a million bucks, but yeah, there's nothing great about it. Nothing standard. You go to anywhere else in the U. S.,

anAndhis is

For 230, 000, 250, 000, 500, 000, depending on where you are. Much crazy to it. And yeah, it's right on a busy street. Damn near close to two busy streets. And you're across the street from a mall. Is this the mall that I'm thinking of?

Yeah, there's a nice restaurant there. What's the name of that? Reholders or something? Yeah

You're not going to get much sleep at night, I'll tell you, at that house. Might be good for a rental. 

February Market Numbers

All right, and the February numbers are out So I wanted to make sure that you had options to take a look at this. Nothing great has changed right now February we ended up with a thousand homes for sale listed for sale in Alameda Takes two and a half two point three months to sell Santa Clara.

We had 921 what do we need? 2,000. we need about 2, 000 homes for sale. This is Santa Clara County. We need about 2, 000 homes for sale in order for it to be a balanced market. It's not happening. Not gonna happen here. And I also picked up January data, but that's normal, because it goes from December to, we're in a frost, right? Look at this.

Hang on. July, June, May. April. Since April last year, we haven't had the same number. December picked u and went wonky. But yep, there you go. Things are actually speeding up in the U. S. From that chart. And then, and, for the cities, the same thing.

That's over that, and that's Los Gatos. Guys, that's just temporary. That's nothing. Las Gatos could get hit because there's, I want to say like 90 percent could be 70. I don't know. Some big portion of Las Gatos is in the fire zone, meaning that insurance carriers are going to be pulling out of Las Gatos because there's a high fire zone, which means those people that own houses have to go into fire plan or buy the property out all completely.

So that's something to watch. That could be something to be. An interesting part. Same thing with Moran. Moran is actually over six months to sell. Moran.

No, it's Napa. Sorry. Napa is 6. 3 months. It's been there for two months. 

Inventory And Supply Charts

Napa Real Estate Insights

I think it has to be there three months in order to call it a buyer's market, but I've been telling you this for three years. Napa is a great buy. If you're going to buy a house and you've ever thought about moving up to Napa. Now's the time to do it because you can get stuff.
I think it's 60 cents. No 90-something cents on the dollar 93 cents on the dollar. It's the lowest in the Bay Area and it's not super unaffordable it's expensive for living in Napa. I get it. I might go take a look who knows You want to come with me? Let's go. We'll have a fun day out of it.

All right. 

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

That's it. That's it for now. I'm Vito with Abitano. Have a fantastic weekend. Thanks for watching. If you have any ideas or thoughts or process, or you think I'm full of crap, let me know. Happy to walk you through my mindset and show you all the details that I'm putting into this. And if you don't find anything useful, just move on.

Have a great weekend.

🔴 Video Living in San Jose in the No. 4 spot. in the US | What you get for $1MM in SILICON VALLEY 

Vito Scarnecchia

Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad

DRE#: 01407676



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🔴 Willow Glen's five most expensive homes https://youtu.be/3A_E2ck0ePg

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