Meet the new director of San Jose city housing department
- Meet the new director of the city housing department
- Los Gatos Home of the Week
- Price Reductions
- Home Inspection CHECKLIST HERE
- Santa Clara County High's and Low's
Meet the new director of the city housing department
Should we be responsible for providing low-income housing through bond measures, meaning more taxes through measure E, Is this something that we're. Citizens of San Jose are responsible for, it because when you look at the 800-foot view, I don't know if it's something that should be our responsibility.
The Housing Crisis and Measure E
I know that the city gets federal and state grant money for providing low-income housing, but the whole idea behind measure E just chops my hide. And now we have a new guy who is in charge of it. San Jose's efforts to solve the housing crisis and it's his job, right? I get it. It's his job.
So He's going to do it to the best of his ability until he's not going to be effective. And then he'll go find something else to do, right? Because it's a bureaucracy that's slowing everything down. And I don't know, I want your input on this. Do you think it's our responsibility to provide low-income housing out of our coffers, out of our resources that we pay taxes into, It's expensive to live here.
Meet Eric Sullivan: New Housing Director
Meet the new director of the city housing department.
This is Eric Sullivan. He's our new housing director for San Jose. And while we have tons of tiny house projects going on, I don't know if it's something that I just don't. I looked into the whole Measure E thing, and they're spending money, is it wisely? I don't know. I want your opinion on this.
Congratulations to Eric. I'm glad you have a good job. I know that you were working with Tulsa Denver and Philadelphia. I'd love to have a conversation with you about what your job is. Down here it says, let's take a look, goes into the development of housing.
It's labor, materials, and construction. Land, but it's also bureaucracy and permits and overruns and all these other things that make it almost impossible for us to put housing into it. Now they're saying it's a million dollars to put one house into play, which is ridiculous because those are cost overruns.
There's got to be a low-Cost solution to this something that costs maybe 100, 000 or 150, 000 where we put it in as temporary housing. I'm not sure, but somewhere here, I read that it was 1, 000, 000 per unit that they put in and that's ridiculous.
Why would you even start something like that? It's because the city makes money off of all the permits and planning and all that other stuff, and it's painful for us to watch.
Private vs. Public Solutions
Should we provide housing for low-income people? I don't know. I think when you have private organizations doing it, they have a way of making it happen. The only problem is we don't have enough private organizations and nonprofits like Habitat for Humanity.
There's also Sobrato with the city coming in and putting their fingerprint on everything, it slows down the process. So by publicizing it or making it a public problem, costs become the biggest problem. So I'm not sure. I'm just talking out loud here because it's painful for me to watch this happen, and it's not just a local San Jose thing.
It's all over, right? It's not just California. It's all over the United States. How do we provide housing for it? Is it right? It's not really a right. Is it a necessity?
And here's the thing, right? They say it's 57, and it's probably that's a very undercutting Number I can almost tell you that it's over 20, 000, at least in Santa Clara County. Some people go out and count the number of homeless. We need to get the homeless people off the streets.
I understand that, but is it really our responsibility?
Home Inspection CHECKLIST HERE
Real Estate Market Insights
Los Gatos Home of the Week

Please weigh in on price reductions in Santa Clara County today. We're like, Oh, look at Loma Chiquita went down a whole thousand dollars. Here's the tactic I use with a lot of people, especially veterans we go in and find houses that have been on the market for a little bit because real estate is like little league soccer. When you have the ball in the far right corner. All the kids rush over there and huddle for it.
Then if it goes to the far left corner, they run over there. And once it becomes the not the shiny object, then it loses It's an issue this one on Shawcroft just randomly picked it not my listing for bedroom two bath 1, 500 square feet Listed a four one point four million dollars.
It was listed at one point four five now it's been on the market for almost 70 days Shawcroft is not a busy street, but if you look It's on the corner of Snell and Shawcroft. So that automatically lowers the value of it. Is it a nice-looking house? Sure. It's a nice-looking house.
Colors are a little off. The kitchen's very dark. The agent did not use a professional photographer. I can tell because these are dark. When you use a Professional photographer, use HDR, which means they take high, medium, and low res and combine them together. They just pop this thing on the market and they're trying to get a premium price for it.
Obviously, after 60 days, if your price is not attracting buyers, don't be a market maker.
Let's see what else is here. That's a condo, townhouse, detached. Let's take a look at this one. This one was built in 1994 and has three bedrooms, two and a half baths, 1, and 300 square feet. Not my listing, and it's right by Almaden. And this is a detached house. No, it's not. Yeah, it's an HOA. This is a townhouse. Even if it's detached, this is a million-dollar house, especially at that size.
Granted, it looks nice inside, but they painted the counters, put knobs on it, and put a new counter. Did they put a new counter on it? It looks like an old counter. The bathroom's not updated. This is all 1994 styling.
Pricing Strategies for Sellers
Price Reductions
Look, this is a good house, but be aware that pricing is super important to buyers. If you're comparing this to other houses, you need to be at or below the median to attract buyers. Buyers will bid it up if it's priced correctly. Just keep that in mind when you're pricing out a house. I have a new listing today, and we're going to have that tough discussion.
This is Olive Street, built in 1939, 85 years old. It's been on the market for 61 days and they lowered it 80, to 000. But I want to say all of it's not a filter street, but it's also not a busy street. People in Los Gatos, if you don't live in Los Gatos, you're not going into the neighborhoods, right?
You're just sticking around the main streets. That's it. People really don't coagulate there, but this is a cottage. This is a tiny little cottage. Now, is it worth the land? No, the land's 3, 500 square feet. Start at 2. and 2, you go down to 2. 1. Guys, you're trying to attract, you're trying to be a market maker here. And all you're doing is letting it sit on the market. You're hurting your client. It could be coming from the client too. Look, this is not even a legal room. This looks like. It was an attic maybe, or an addition.
The bonus room was a shack. Let's see if we can get it down. See, that's your bonus room right there. That's a storage, that's a garage that was converted. That's an ADU. Is it called out as an ADU? Yeah, 228 square feet. Guys, if your house isn't selling in 30 days, then you have a problem and it's condition, location, or price. I don't know how else to tell you that. All right.
Highs and Lows of the Market
Santa Clara County High's and Low's
The highest sold price this last week was 12. 8 million. The lowest was 845, 000. And the last two I've been on the market for a very long time and they're not going anywhere. Let me. Break this open for you. This is the lowest-priced house. It's nine. Where is this? That's San Jose, Santa Clara County. 350, 000 for a 1, 400 square foot house.
This is the lowest sole-price Mount Madonna drive-in, where is it? Alum Rock area.
It's a three bedroom, two bath, 1, 222 for 845, 000 on the market in three days, sold in three days. This is the highest-sold house in Santa Clara County. Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto.Wow, that's beautiful. That's $12.8 million. That is gorgeous. Let me break out my checkbook. The last one is the most expensive one still for sale. $40 million. La Vita Real. The real life. This is like a Winchester Mystery house. Just not public. An indoor swimming pool wswim-upsets is Every boy's dream. Movie theater and a wine cellar. That's gorgeous.
Conclusion: Responsibility for Low-Income Housing
Are you, are, should we be responsible for low income housing?
That's something we need to talk about more. Maybe I can talk to Eric and see if he wants to jump on board. Thanks for watching. I'm Vito with Abitano. I'll see you out there.
Vito Scarnecchia Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad DRE#: 01407676 408-705-6817 Website: update your home value: RELOCATION@ABITANO.COM FREE DESKTOP APPRAISAL If you are moving ANYWHERE in the world - Let me know! I know a LOT of AMAZING Agents! Book appointments here: Home Buyers Course YT IG FB LI Blog POD Professional Photography by Kim E / Local Real Estate Market and Home Value Report Financial Intelligence Willow Glen's five most expensive homes
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