3/2 1400 SF Sold for $329,000! Santa Clara County High's and Low's





3/2 1400 SF Sold for $329,000!
Introduction: Unbelievable House Prices

329, 000 for a house in Santa Clara County. Can you believe it? 329, 000. We'll talk about that in a minute. 

Tips for Home Sellers: Keep Your Kitchen Clean

Right now we're going to be talking about, home sellers. Keep your kitchen counters clean and we already talked about this one. I'm not sure why I have it over here Guys, I'm telling you every time I look at my kitchen counters.

I see spilled food and crumbs and Cutlery and dishes stacked and pots and pans just stacking up and I am a hundred percent guilty of that A hundred percent, but so are my, so is my family. We just are, sometimes we're pigs, sometimes just, we're just lazy and everybody does their little bit, but then, stuff gets inside this, it's just gross.

So imagine that when you're trying to show a house. We talked about this yesterday. I know this is a duplicate now, but it's coming back to me because I can't remember yesterday. Imagine showing a house, and you walk in, dishes in a dish rack, sink full of dishes. You see the pans and pots stuck on a stove still, crusty from the night before, cooking.

And then you see. Food on the ground, just looking at my house. I'm just thinking about what my kitchen looks like right now. You're going to be turned off, right? You don't go into a store, you go to Walmart and closed everywhere and it's gross because that's how. That is, but you go into a nice place and the clothes are folded nicely and all the stuff is neatly done and they clean and they take care of it.

And that's what you have to do when you're selling a million dollar house or a 2 million or a 17 million or a 30 million house. You need to have that thing spick and span, especially the kitchen. That's where the major decision makers, the major decision making is going to happen is what does my kitchen look like?

Can I live with this kitchen or do I have to remodel it and you walk in and you see this junk and clutter you have just appliances everywhere you have the Ninja blender and a toaster oven and the George Foreman grill all just stacked up everywhere put that stuff away if you're not using it clean it put it away right build an appliance garage.

I have a pantry, so I throw my stuff in there when I'm not using it, but I use my toaster oven every day. I use it to bake and toast my toast. I have toast. And then sometimes I do it for my baked potatoes. Sometimes I make a pizza. I use it all the time. We have a little air fryer and they, the kids use this all the time.

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But everything else should be just thrown away and not thrown away, stored away. You have kitchen cabinets that there's plenty of room there. So there's no reason to beverage area. Yeah, I get it. You have a coffee station, but clean up after yourself, especially if you're showing a house and then updating equipment.

I'll tell you right now that an old dated kitchen painted cabinets, new counters, and stainless steel appliances. It's going to sell a whole lot faster, a whole lot better than a house that looks like 1960 just does. Period. Mount when you can. I don't believe in that. I'm not a big mounter under the, I like the lights under that's fine and be organized, right? You have a pantry. If you have a pantry, use it. If you have cabinets, reorganize them. There you go.

Okay. Los Gatos house of the week. Look at this beauty. It's only 8 million by bedroom, five and a half baths, three. Acres, five 5, 800 square feet built in 1999. I have a client that's looking not in this price range, but I'm going to send this to him just so that he can see it.

Cause this thing is a beauty. Wish it was my listing.

There you go. Nicely manicured, a little grapevine, a nice villa. Of course, you got a pool, a little water ball right there. Spanish Villa. Don't cry for me. Spanish Villa. Wow. That is gorgeous. Worth every penny. I think Las Gatos is probably the best buy in the entire valley right now. 

Price Reduction of the Week

Again, another beautiful house tucked away. It's a little bit different. This is in the country, not in Los Gatos. This is in Almaden Valley, two a half-million, three-bedroom, two-bath, 2,200-square feet built in 1975. Did not look at the pictures, but Look, it's beautiful. Look at that. You have comp rough and then you have, this one's going to take a while to sell.

Let's go back to the album. It's okay. It's a clean-looking kitchen. There's no clutter. See, it's all done nicely. I get rid of that tile and redo the tile. That looks like Pergo, sorry, laminate. And there's the addition. This is the addition right here. There's a two-car garage. There's a pod and the cool thing about this is it's eight and a half acres.

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Imagine what you can do if you have horses, you want to have a garden. My buddy's into making chili. He's growing chili peppers right now. All sorts of different kinds. You can spend hours toiling there. If you're thinking about buying a house, download this home buyer checklist. It walks you through everything so you can get a realistic look at what the house really looks like compared to other houses.

Price reductions. Already did that. Okay. And then let's take a look at it. Oh, no, that's where I wanted to go with that price. This one right here,

Amazing Deal: 80 Acres for $329,000

Still active. Here it is. I know it says Livermore, but look guys, this one sold for 329, 000.

Whew, there are only seven pictures. But the cool thing is you get 80 acres with it. And it is on the other side of the hill. I think This is where Mount Hamilton is. This is where the observatory is right there. So it's all the way on the other side, yet it's still considered Santa Clara County. I don't know why it is.

There you go. 329, 000 kind of looks like a log cabin. Let's get 80 acres. It's a good buy for somebody. Tell you what, 80 acres, that's a grand deal.

Okay, so here you go.

That's what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to do the five biggest. Yeah, got messed up. All right. 

  • Santa Clara County High's and Low's
Highest Sold Price in Santa Clara County

The highest sold price in San Jose or Santa Clara County is, I'm all messed up today.

The highest sold. Is University Ave. Take a look at this beauty, 16. 8 million. They got a whole 200, 000 off in 14 days on the market.

There you go. Two great pictures to look at 17 million basically. And this is the most expensive one. We've already been through that. I'm not going to bore you. That's the same one. That's been for sale forever for 432 days. It's only five acres. That's a negative right there. Let's go to the most expensive activity.

Oh, no. There you go. That's the least expensive sold one is the 329, 000. There you go. 

Market Update and Conclusion
And we have 711 actives. We're gaining some traction as far as supply is concerned. I'm seeing a whole bunch of houses pop up, which is great. We have 73 price reductions, and we're at 10. 3 percent of those are price reductions.

That's it for now. Thanks for watching. I'm Vito with Abitano. We'll see you out there.

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Vito Scarnecchia

Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad

DRE#: 01407676



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