7 tasks To Get Your Home Ready to Sell


7 Tasks to Get Your Home Ready to Sell


Introduction and Overview

What in the world would you do with 11 bedrooms in one house? We will talk about that along with the Los Gatos house of the week, the luxury house of the week, which is that. And then seven things you need to do to get your house ready to sell as well as the 12 County sales report. Let's get moving.

All right. 

Willow Glen Home of the Week

Los Gatos House of the Week

First thing first, Los Gatos house of the week. Again, the reason why I chose this, it's a little smaller, but it's right down Lincoln Ave. So It is stumbling distance to Los Gatos, downtown   Willow Glen. Did I say Willow Glen or Los Gatos? I met Willow Glen. This is downtown Willow Glen, Lincoln Ave, three bedrooms, one and a half bath, 1300 square feet for a mere 1.5 million. Let's take a look at it real quick. We looked at this one already. it was a new listing. It's not my listing just so you know, it's nice. You can already smell the musty old house smell. If you've ever been in any of these. 

Exploring the 11-Bedroom Mansion

Luxury Home of the Week

So we saw this one last week, but still for sale, 11 bedrooms, 11 bedrooms, who in their right mind needs 11 bedrooms. I saw an article the other day that actually said that most of these rooms are converted into sitting rooms.

So if you get bored with your living room or your family room, you go upstairs. And you go into your sitting room and you hang out there until you get bored. And then you go into another sitting room, which might have video games, and then the next one might have books and then the next one might have yoga or something.

So yeah, 11 bedrooms, nine baths, 24, 000 square feet by the esteemed architect, Julia Morgan. unless you entertain all the time. Look at that. Just opulence, beauty. Love it. It's gorgeous. Everything about it. So that's the second office I saw. So there you go. Gotta love those statues. This is going to be a quick one today. 

Preparing Your House for Sale: Essential Tips

Seven things you need to do to get your house ready to sell. You must understand why this is important. 

Woe is the seller who thinks their house is worth a million dollars and they haven't done a thing to make it. Presentable or sellable. You can put your house on the market. Absolutely. Put the house on the market. Don't do a darn thing. And you're going to get what you deserve. You're going to get what the market will bring you, right?

The seller nor the agent will ever dictate what the price is. You can negotiate it and hope to get that way up, but the best way to get your house sold quickly, especially in our area, is to make sure that listed low, so you bring in a lot of buyers. That being said, unless you're a market maker and these big luxury houses are market makers, you want to bring the market to you.

So you want to make it attractive and comparable to other houses that they might be looking at. Which is why I don't have it up here. Let me open it up for you real quick. 

Homebuyer Checklist and Market Insights


We have this homebuyer checklist. When you look at houses, buyers are not just going to go to your house. They're going to go to four, five, six, seven houses.

When you have a checklist like this, They get to print it out and go to those different houses and compare and contrast the differences between your house and the competing neighbor's houses that are for sale based on price, condition, location, and everything else. Location, a condition are some of the most important things, which is why we have this home inspection checklist, 

Home Inspection CHECKLIST HERE

You want to make it look like. a model home. So get rid of everything. If you look at back here, you can see that it's junky looking. If you're going to sell your house, use the rule of three, no more than three things on any surface, the wall, the shelves, everything, every surface gets a maximum of three.

So you see, there's a little picture of me and my son there, and there's two little awards that I got. It's all about. Make it look like it's presented, declutter, and get rid of everything. If you looked at my closet, you would be completely freaked out as to how messy it is, but it's utilitarian for me when I go to sell, if I ever went to go sell my house, I would bring in a bunch of boxes.

Throw 90 percent of it in there and make it look presentable. I don't need to have files and envelopes and all my packing tape and all my lock boxes and all my shoes and old boxes for my cameras and all this other stuff. I don't need all that. It's going to be packed up anyway. It's going to be put into a moving van.

So I might as well pack it, throw it in the garage, and make it look presentable. Have extra light bulbs on hand. Absolutely. You're going to pack everything, but when you get to your light bulbs, keep them available because 90 percent of the time when it burns out, It's going to burn out when you're for sale.

And I would go and grab your light bulb and pop a new one in. And that's as easy as that is. But it's true. It's the last thing you want to see if you walk into a room with four or five lights and one of them's burnt out. Absolutely. 

Deep Cleaning and Home Staging Tips

Deep clean your home. And that goes without saying, I just swept up my floor. I have to do it every day because I have a husky and she sheds a pillow of hair every day. But it goes even deeper than that. You want to get into the crevices of your windows. If you want to get all the cobwebs out, hire a professional cleaning service to do all the deep cleaning, the tubs, the caulking, toilets, the appliances, all the different corners, everything.

The windows, quick thing on that is when you're, Washing the windows, take the screens off, wash the screens, make sure that they're in good condition, and then put them aside in the garage because you're going to let in that much more light and you don't have to risk putting them back in and then breaking.

So just a little side note there, get the honey-do list done, right? No house is perfect. No house is perfectly square. No house is perfectly level or plum. I'll guarantee you that. But appliances break, light bulbs break, faucets need to be fixed, different little things. I can tell you, I have a list of about 20 or 30 things that I need to get done around the house.

Just it's a busy time of the year for me, so not doing anything. I'll get around to it. Eventually, painting is smart. If you can't touch it up because the walls faded or chipped. 

fix up your house, and make it look good. If there are chips and you paint it and then it's a different color because the wall has faded over time, paint the whole wall, but do paint, do clean it up. See what you can do. My pantry door has kid grease all over it when they put their hands on it.

I have to clean it, but it's getting to the point where it's wearing down. So I'm going to put a fresh coat of Paint on it. Eventually, try staging your house. Again, the rule of three, makes it look big, airy, and bright. You want to make sure every ounce of light comes in and you have it decluttered. Take excess furniture out.

Give it a purpose. This is an office. Obviously, I would downgrade these to one or two pieces of furniture stage it up, and make it presentable as part of the decluttering and depersonalizing. I have pictures of my kids all over my house. My house, I want to tell a story when people walk into it. These are my kids. These are who You know, these are the stories that we did when we went to Carmel I would take half of those down.

There's, it's okay to have one or two pictures up of your kids, but not the entire staircase. All right. 

YTD SALES 12 Bay Area Counties

County Sales Report and Market Trends

The last thing, and by the way, these links are in the blog. You'll see a little blog like this. All of them are linked, including the stories, including the MLS, where I'm showing you listings that are not my listings, and sharing them with you.

So you could see where we are going with the market. And I'm putting a house on the market pretty quick. And I was talking to the seller and he is actually up in Napa now, and I'm selling a house down in San Jose. Up in Napa, houses are selling about 96 percent on the list price, of the original list price, right?

That's 96 cents for every dollar. In Santa Clara County, we're at 108. San Francisco is at 10 percent still. It's been 10%, nine or 10 percent for the last month and a half. It's crazy. I don't know what's going on in San Francisco other than people are just flocking back in there right now.

It's crazy. Or maybe they're underselling it. It's listing it low, bringing buyers in. It's a good market technique, right? So there you go. San Mateo is still the most expensive place to live at 2. 6. We're at 2. 3. These are averages, not median. The median is still hovering at about 2 million, but the average price right now, in Santa Clara County is 2.

3 million dollars and the average price in Napa is 1. 4 and Santa Cruz is 1. 4 and Solano. The most affordable place in the Bay Area is 634, 000, 635, 000. I have a house coming up here pretty quick in San Benito. I might have two coming up in San Benito. I don't know. 800 is the average. And these are the days on the market.

It's important to understand how to attract and get your house into the market really quick. But for some reason, Napa is just losing value every day. There you go. All right. 

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Today we talked about Willow Glen luxury house of the week. Some of the things you need to do to stage your house and the 12 county sales report.

I'm Vito with Abitano. Thanks for watching. We'll see you out there.

Vito Scarnecchia Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad DRE#: 01407676 408-705-6817 Vito@abitano.com Website: abitano.com https://www.onereal.com/vito-scarnecchia-1 update your home value: https://hmbt.co/bT7qRJ RELOCATION@ABITANO.COM FREE DESKTOP APPRAISAL https://www.propertyrate.com/agent/vitoscarnecchia If you are moving ANYWHERE in the world - Let me know! I know a LOT of AMAZING Agents! Book appointments here: https://calendly.com/abitano/15min Home Buyers Course YT YouTube.com/SanJoseLiving IG https://www.instagram.com/abitanogroup/ FB https://www.facebook.com/vito.scarnecchia/ LI https://www.linkedin.com/in/vito-scarnecchia/ Blog http://blog.abitano.com/ POD https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/oxdH1Hwfcvb Professional Photography by Kim E https://photosbykime.com / Local Real Estate Market and Home Value Report https://hmbt.co/bT7qRJ Financial Intelligence https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0R5pjHIAPguZ5GDEB-fTbGJXKpWK3coK9Khymv_GTWkMnyQ/viewform?usp=send_form https://www.onereal.com/vito-scarnecchia-1 Willow Glen's five most expensive homes https://youtu.be/3A_E2ck0ePg

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