An open letter to overpriced sellers | Imagine Dragons bass guitarist Ben McKee Home for sale


"Imagine Dragons Bass Guitarist Ben McKee Home for Sale"

Introduction and Seller Pricing Awareness

 Don't take my word for it. Sellers, you need to start being more aware of your pricing. We'll have an open letter from our appraiser up in Sacramento. We'll also talk about the Imagine Dragons home for sale in the Bay area and Willow Glen home of the week.

And the visit, Oh, luxury home of the week and the 12 County. Chuck, let's take a look.

Go over here so you can see it bigger. 

Imagine Dragons Home for Sale

The bassist for a globally popular pop-rock band selling Bay Area home for only 1. 3 million. I got some news for you on that one. Imagine dragons. I don't know if you know them, but I'm not a big fan of theirs, but I didn't, and I didn't even know that they were local, but that just goes to show how much I know about, pop bands Ben McKee bassist is selling his house for 1.3 million. 

Now here's the Walk-through. It's listed for 1. 3 million dollars. It's three bedrooms three baths 2, and 700 square feet and it's really pretty. It's a really nice house. I wanted to show you that I had this set up so that you could look at it. 

Market Analysis and Comparisons

So you look at all of these houses here and some will sell for that, right? I think it's underpriced for where it is. This one's 25 sold for 1. 7 for 15 days. This one right here took 14 days to sell or it's still active. Oh, this is Virgo. Actually. Virgo.

But if you look at it, it's priced correctly. It's priced lower and it's a great look. Now, if you take a look at this one right here, I'll come over here. Quick offers are going to be set by tomorrow noon. And it's been on the market for 14 days. So this thing is underpriced for the value. You take a look at the house.

It's a pretty house. It's really done. It's got a great view. It's up in the mountains a little bit. But when you look at the CMA, the numbers, show that this thing's going to sell for close to 2 million, if not more because of the celebrity on it, right? It has a story and everything that has a celebrity story, any kind of history on it will sell for more period.

Zuckerberg's house would sell for a whole lot more than a standard mansion, right? So yeah, you get the views, you get everything in this house. So this house, I'm going to guess that this sells out at about two and a half, maybe even three. That's my guess. That said, if you want to take a look at it, please let me know.

We have to hurry because it will go into contract by tomorrow. There you go. All right. 

Home Buyers Checklist

This, segment of this episode is brought to you by the home buyers checklist. Download it. You'll see what I mean. It's a great value for you to understand what's going on in the market.

And when you compare a house to a house, this lets you really understand what you're buying and gets you the best buy altogether. 

Appraiser Insights and Market Realities

This is from Ryan's Lundquist. He's an appraiser up in Sacramento. He talks to a lot of real estate agents. he's my muse. He talks to me about his charts and all that stuff.

So when I do charts on my. Facebook, you'll see me do charts. It all comes from this guy. What he's talking about really is it's more common because you have a mindset saying my house is worth X 10 million or 3 million. This McGee guy. Listen to his agent and say, Hey, just sell my house. See what we can get for it.

See what the market can bring. You can't be a market maker when you have a commodity house, even though you put in a hundred thousand dollars on a new kitchen, et cetera. When you're looking at houses are going to be compared to what you're competing against. If you have five houses that are about the same square footage the same bedroom count, et cetera.

They're going to look at your house versus other houses, just like when you're looking at cars. I'm looking at buying my daughter a truck. She wants to buy a truck. So we're looking at a bunch of different trucks over the last couple of weeks. And, we're just learning what's out there, and comparing buyers will do that. So 300, 000 more than what it is, your house is going to sit. And you look at all these things right here, depending on the market, your house sells in three, because of three different things, the market condition and location, right?

If your house isn't as is fixed or upper, like over here, I can show you that there are a couple that are listed a little bit lower.

like this one right here sold for a million dollars, but says it's a hundred years old, but it's not really. It's about the same square footage, but it's older. It's beat up. It's higher up in the mountains and there's a lot more to it. So when it's on the market for over 40 days, then you have less negotiating room as a seller.

And it sits because it's overpriced. The buyers determine the market. That's what this letter is saying, right now, we don't have a ton of inventory, so there's still a seller's market. We go through that every week. Understand what buyers want. That's our job. That's why you hired us. you hire us to understand, create a demographic, create that ideal seller and buyer, and market to them.

And then we go and negotiate with them. That's why we do this.  you also use an agent. You want to have one arm's length on the negotiating side because you get emotionally involved in selling your house. Concessions aren't.

Your savior. Don't say, Hey, we'll just give you credit for a carpet. Put the new carpet in. Why would I do that? They're just going to tear it up because people don't want to buy old ratty carpets. They don't want to buy a house with an old, ratty carpet. They don't want to buy a house with a floor that needs to be redone.

They don't want to buy a house with broken windows. They just don't. They do if they're going to do it, but they're not going to pay a premium for it. So get your head in the mindscape of knowing what you're competing against and price accordingly. I challenge you to read this market or read this letter.

And comment to me, give me an idea of what your thoughts are on this. 

And that segment is brought to you by the home inspection checklist. Another free download, just drop it down and figure it out. 

If you're thinking about selling it for three or four years, it's good to have. The mindset of getting around to it instead of rushing, trying to get everything done in two or three weeks, then you'll be exhausted and tired and it'll be just a horrible experience. If you know what you need to fix, this is what buyers look for.

This is what inspectors will look for and you can fix it up. And I can tell you right now, the answer is yes, you should disclose everything that you've repaired.

Will Glenn house of the week brace ab. The reason why I picked it is because it's within walking distance of Lincoln. Which is the downtown, which is the main street USA for Willow Glen. This is a beautiful house. It's three bedrooms, one and a half bath, 1300 square feet. And guys, this is a great house for One and a half million dollars, right? You think, Oh my God, it's so expensive, but it's not. This thing's going to sell pretty quick. Honestly, I think it's going to go for a lot more. This thing is priced right for the area the location and the condition and it is a crazy market right now.

This is pretty much all original. Maybe the kitchen was updated, but the trim on it is nice. They have a downstairs, a little basement.

And the reason why I chose this is because it's near Belvedere Island and we're in the County. It's actually Napa. I went sailing on Friday and we sailed all through here. We went there and then down by here and then around Angel around Alcatraz.

And we sailed, I think this is, I think we sailed out of Marina Plaza. Anyway, it doesn't matter, but we sailed by that. And I thought it was a really nice thing to take a look at. This is a beautiful house, with five bedrooms, five and three half baths, 5, and 300 square feet built in 1968.

And it is a stilt house. Again, let's take a look at it. Sure. It's not my listing. Beautiful house. And if you're interested in looking at this, let me know. The only thing I don't like is this rotunda and this aquarium down here, if you buy it, you can have it removed with great views. That's all Sausalito. It's

gorgeous. Absolutely stunning house. And this is down in my blog. If you want to take a look at the blog, go right ahead. 

YTD SALES 12 Bay Area Counties

Bay Area Real Estate Trends

So we're selling about 300, yeah, about 300 homes a week. We have this last week we had 247 put on the market. We've had 4, 000 homes get in the contract. That means probably 4, 000 of sold. And just this last week we've had 185 going to contract.

By far, Santa Clara is the fastest-growing county in the Bay Area. We've had 8. 3 billion homes in volume sold. But I want to point this out, Alameda had this huge jump. 143. I think that's an anomaly. We'll come back to that next week, but I just wanted to point that out.

Typically homes for themselves are about 10 percent over and as always, your best buy is Napa. Napa actually came up a little bit. Monterey looks. No, it's 90, 96%. So you get 4 cents off of every dollar when you buy a house in Napa compared to Santa Clara, where you're paying 8 cents more for every dollar. Santa Cruz is holding their own.

Solano is doing well. Sonoma is doing well. There's just not a lot of new listings. They just don't have a ton of listings right now. And again, Napa. Has 634 homes that were listed so far this year, not a ton, 350 homes were sold so far this year. That's half of the inventory versus that where there are still a thousand homes available.

So either They fell out of contract, didn't sell, or there are a thousand homes available for sale in San Jose and Santa Clara County. All right. 

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Today we talked about imagining dragons selling their home. Open letter to sellers from one of my appraisers.

Just talk about what's going on in the market home homes for sale Willow Glen homes for sale, luxury market, and what's going on all across the Bay area. If you're near the fire up in Sonoma, stay safe. I'm Vito with Abitano. We'll see you out there.

Vito Scarnecchia Real Estate Broker, Veteran, Dad DRE#: 01407676 408-705-6817 Website: update your home value: RELOCATION@ABITANO.COM FREE DESKTOP APPRAISAL If you are moving ANYWHERE in the world - Let me know! I know a LOT of AMAZING Agents! Book appointments here: Home Buyers Course YT IG FB LI Blog POD Professional Photography by Kim E / Local Real Estate Market and Home Value Report Financial Intelligence Willow Glen's five most expensive homes

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